Thursday, October 15, 2009


okay, so much negative talk about chicanos represented in the media, and rightly so. negative images of latinos have been passively filtering into our brains via television for years. but i don't want to go away from this conversation without mentioning the most interesting man in the world:

granted, a positive stereotype is still a stereotype, but come on! this is clever advertising that gives mexico, and mexican beer, a classic sort of sex appeal.

its a strange as because this bear appears to the younger college crowd, but chooses an older gentleman as it's spokesman. I think it's kind of jumping on the chuck norris bandwagon, that showcases classic masculinity and strength, and with this commercial, maybe mixes in a james bond element as well.

also, he shows restraint. he "doesn't always drink beer". nothing at all like tony the tiger, who is constantly cracked out on sugar cereal, or the similar minded feline with sunglasses on the cheeto bags. and CERTAINLY nothing like mr frito bandito there.

i personally love these ads, they're well thought, and in my opinion, unoffensive.

1 comment:

  1. I have always thought those dos equis commercials were so strange!! That guy makes me feel so uncomfortable!!!! I dont think it has anything to do with his race, I think its more about the sexuality and the fact that hes like an old man. Its just funny that you brought up this commercial.
