thanks to user generated content on the internet, i think more people realize you don't need to have a piece of media that has a high production value for something to be pretty or entertaining. i came across these videos that, other than figuring out a basic algorithm, probably weren't too hard to make, but are still fascinating to watch:
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
hey all. so this is media studies class. so i'm going to talk about a movie.

i saw it a couple days ago with my boyfriend. SO GOOD! it's a low budget motorcycle film produced in 1969 by dennis hopper and peter fonda. also, jack nickelson is in it.
they drive across the country on motorcycles, trafficing some sort of drug in their gas tank, and have 60's related shenanigans along the way. communes, pot, getting yelled at by conservative southerners, its all there.
but what struck me most about this movie was the message. that freedom is a word that gets thrown around by patriots, but once they see a person that is truly free, they get scared and hate those people. the movie is about trying to find the american dream, trying to find freedom. it truly resonates with the change that happened in the 60's.
what it made me think of was...does my generation have a movie like that? that one movie where you are like, wow, that's the message us young people are trying to get out. the only one i can think of that does that for me is idiocracy, but even still that movie isn't too serious.
well, how bout it? do we have a movie like that? or are we too spread out; opinion wise, entertainment wise, to have a strong unified feeling about anything?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
too much gender representation homework!
it's tainting my worldview as we speak.
not that it's a bad thing, but thinking so much about how females are represented in culture and the media is affecting my conversations with my boyfriend.
we're driving in the car, and we're talking about a close friend that reccently switched/discovered her sexual orientation, who is now dating a baker named cate. adorable.
"hey" I ask, "did you ever think that lynne was a lesbian?"
"well, i kinda got that vibe from her. see, you're either a girl or a chick. chicks act all prissy and stupid, and girls can act that way sometimes but they're mostly smart and can hold a conversation. lynne was never in one of those two categories, she was more of a tomboy"
his comment sounds worse when i type it out, actually. he really didn't mean anything by it, and said those words in the casual sort of social commentary way that you see when they discuss the different lunch tables in "Mean Girls". but it got me heated, truth be told.
"do you have any other way to categories people with vaginas? what about lady, or woman? what about just saying female?"
he didn't know where i was coming from. but i think word choice is important when talking about the opposite gender, especially when talking to the opposite gender about their friends gender choices. it would be like saying there are only dudes and bros in the world.
am i just being an overly sensitive girlfriend? should i not dish out relational dirt in a blag for my online class? you be the judge!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
paper brawl
so apparently media mogul Rupert Murdoch acquired the Wall Street Journal and is making some changes to compete with other newspaper enterprise The New York Times. Where most newspapers are laying off reporters and editors, Murdoch is expanding, and will have a paper that has full color pages and is "fiesty", according to the man himself.
Now, I heard about this because it featured on NPR yesterday morning, and as usual, they took calls from listeners so they could voice their opinion on air. Some people were afraid that the New York Times would have to keep up with competition by making their newspaper fluffier, and have less dense (and informative) articles. Some felt that any competition is good competition.
what do i think? well, any competition is good competition if there are more than two competitors. When you just have two media giants duking it out, inevitably it will turn into an arms race and the newspapers worry about copying each others style instead of producing an accurate piece of journalism.
basically, the newspaper business is fucked. what else is new?
Now, I heard about this because it featured on NPR yesterday morning, and as usual, they took calls from listeners so they could voice their opinion on air. Some people were afraid that the New York Times would have to keep up with competition by making their newspaper fluffier, and have less dense (and informative) articles. Some felt that any competition is good competition.
what do i think? well, any competition is good competition if there are more than two competitors. When you just have two media giants duking it out, inevitably it will turn into an arms race and the newspapers worry about copying each others style instead of producing an accurate piece of journalism.
basically, the newspaper business is fucked. what else is new?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
poetry post
hello blag. again.
i find it difficult to update this blog as frequently as i should, because i am always signed on to my other blog, petite poems. my other major being english, i like to explore creative writing. which isn't, i guess, a form of media. i have been writing a poem every day (almost) since april. i'm almost up to 300 poems!
poetry could be media if it was wildly famous. like how they usually recite a poem during the inagural address, or other important ceremonies (o captain, my captain!)
but what i like about poetry is the aloneness it requires. i can't sit in a room and read poetry with my friends, like i do with watching 30 rock or the news. its a one on one experience, that can shake you if you let it (and you probably need to read good poetry too. like petite poems! jkjk). so i'm glad it's not part of mainstream media. i'm glad i have to go to the basement of a divebar with a bunch of 20 somethings and pay three dollars to hear a slam. its liberating being off the grid.
Monday, March 1, 2010
not-so pretty in pink
are puppet boobs immoral?

these very-fake mams were banned from posters in colorado springs. they belong to the puppet lucy t. slut, a character in the musical avenue q.
i ask you, what is so wrong about puppet titties?
these tata's have been replaced with wholesome looking pictures of other puppet cast members. but if you ask me, that poster is even more dangerous. what if a nice wholesome family bought tickets to this event thinking it was for children? that would be a hoot.
i ask you, what is so wrong about puppet titties?
these tata's have been replaced with wholesome looking pictures of other puppet cast members. but if you ask me, that poster is even more dangerous. what if a nice wholesome family bought tickets to this event thinking it was for children? that would be a hoot.
how fake does cleavage have to get for it to be okay for the midwest?
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