Tuesday, March 30, 2010


hey all. so this is media studies class. so i'm going to talk about a movie.


i saw it a couple days ago with my boyfriend. SO GOOD! it's a low budget motorcycle film produced in 1969 by dennis hopper and peter fonda. also, jack nickelson is in it.

they drive across the country on motorcycles, trafficing some sort of drug in their gas tank, and have 60's related shenanigans along the way. communes, pot, getting yelled at by conservative southerners, its all there.

but what struck me most about this movie was the message. that freedom is a word that gets thrown around by patriots, but once they see a person that is truly free, they get scared and hate those people. the movie is about trying to find the american dream, trying to find freedom. it truly resonates with the change that happened in the 60's.

what it made me think of was...does my generation have a movie like that? that one movie where you are like, wow, that's the message us young people are trying to get out. the only one i can think of that does that for me is idiocracy, but even still that movie isn't too serious.

well, how bout it? do we have a movie like that? or are we too spread out; opinion wise, entertainment wise, to have a strong unified feeling about anything?

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