Thursday, March 18, 2010

too much gender representation homework!

it's tainting my worldview as we speak.

not that it's a bad thing, but thinking so much about how females are represented in culture and the media is affecting my conversations with my boyfriend.

sorry fellow classmates, but it's personal relationial antecdote time:

we're driving in the car, and we're talking about a close friend that reccently switched/discovered her sexual orientation, who is now dating a baker named cate. adorable.

"hey" I ask, "did you ever think that lynne was a lesbian?"

"well, i kinda got that vibe from her. see, you're either a girl or a chick. chicks act all prissy and stupid, and girls can act that way sometimes but they're mostly smart and can hold a conversation. lynne was never in one of those two categories, she was more of a tomboy"

his comment sounds worse when i type it out, actually. he really didn't mean anything by it, and said those words in the casual sort of social commentary way that you see when they discuss the different lunch tables in "Mean Girls". but it got me heated, truth be told.

"do you have any other way to categories people with vaginas? what about lady, or woman? what about just saying female?"

he didn't know where i was coming from. but i think word choice is important when talking about the opposite gender, especially when talking to the opposite gender about their friends gender choices. it would be like saying there are only dudes and bros in the world.

am i just being an overly sensitive girlfriend? should i not dish out relational dirt in a blag for my online class? you be the judge!

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