Wednesday, September 30, 2009

pass the caviar, boiee

Have you ever heard of Jack and Jill of America?

it's an organization for kids with rich, well connected african american mothers. you cannot apply unless you are recommended by a current parent. here's an excerpt from the organization's home page:
"Today, Jack and Jill of America, Inc. has a membership base of over 9,500 families and it is the oldest and largest African American family organization in the United States. Jack and Jill of America, Inc. is committed to ensuring that all children have the same opportunities in life."
Now here's an excerpt from a documentary i saw today, People Like Us, which criticized Jack and Jill of America. The scene is in an african american hair salon:

BLONDE WOMAN: Here we fought to be invited into the golf clubs, the country club.
Then we start our own club, and still, we have to be invited. That’s where the rage comes

WOMAN: Was there not an air of superiority with that?

SECOND WOMAN: That came along with it, yes.

WOMAN: And that’s the part I didn’t like.

SECOND WOMAN: If you don’t have an MD after your name, guess what? You’re kid is not going to get in there.

OFF-SCREEN: Or you’re a single parent.

SECOND WOMAN: Or you’re a single parent. I talked to a someone who was in Jack and Jill, I said, “send me an application.” Did I get one? So, and it’s teaching them the wrong values, so, it’s teaching the children to be like the oppressor, you know. If you’re like them then maybe they’ll accept you. But it’s never going to happen.

Upper class exclusivity in black america. is it wrong to want your kid to go to a place with pedigree? is there going to be a black version of the WASP (white anglo saxon protestant)? I don't know who they think they're fooling, but Jack and Jill doesn't want equal opportunity for all black people, just the ones that already have money. I don't know, maybe i'm being cynical...

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