Tuesday, September 29, 2009

popping, locking, and throwing down

mkay so.

i've been thinking a lot about old hollywood, and black representation of hollywood, specifically because of the ending of Bamboozled and the content of Public Enemy's nineties-licious music video.

so i would like to post this link, because i am not sure if it is racist:

i mean, i know they are all in the service industry, their costumes tell us that much. and the style of dance is a little uncouth, or vulgar. but damn. its just so impressive! when old hollywood made Hellazoopin', were they saying "hey, black people have talent! they're not just waiters!" Or was this frenzied choreographed dance a glorified spectacle, like watching animals at the zoo?

at the end of the film, when the dancers catch white people looking on and applauding, they scram, sending the message, "we're not doing this for you!" that's a directing choice that can be read a couple of ways.

well, i'm impressed. i don't come out of watching that video thinking poorly of the black community. then again, i'm not predisposed to racism. and "black people are good dancers" is a predominant racial stereotype. perhaps i would agree with ice cube and prefer to see a black female actress as a lawyer in old hollywood.

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