I thought it was funny, because in many ways, colleges push racial diversity on their campus. There have been some photoshop disasters on college brochures, like this one from Wisconsin:
But you don't need photoshop to push diversity. in a lot of ways that above quote reminded me of BSC, who is always pushing the idea that the campus is a diverse place, specifically with their rotating images on the welcome page. Last year was pretty bad, in terms of accurately representing the campus population. Maybe i'm not too concerned with accuracy, but every time i went on bridgew.edu, i felt like they were trying way too hard. Like someone went to the photographer and said, "okay, we only want pictures of black students, or if one white guy is hanging out with a bunch of black guys at the bears den, that's okay too. make sure they're all smiling and reading books". This semester hasn't been as bad as it was last year (I have a whole new beef with the pictures. who takes a picture of an LED welcome back sign and says "that's a great picture of our welcome back sign, we should put it on the website!"), But i still feel like the website was pushing an agenda that can be resolved in a more tangible way. Clubs promoting social/racial justice, classes like this one, the carribean events going on around campus, and the college experience of everyone from different towns/backgrounds coming together to take classes seem like a good way to abolish racism.
does anyone else feel like colleges promoting diversity with their images is a little forced/racist?

and heres an added bonus, an article from the onion on the subject
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